Our Aim:

Promoting the mental health
of pupils

Especially in the Case of Parental Mental Illness



building a supportive
school culture

Current Project


Mindful Teaching and Learning – Emotional Safety at School

(12.2023 – 11.2025)

The project ALLES is primarily aimed at schools and promotes safe learning environments.

The three work packages

Raising awareness among teachers, other school staff and the social environment

Designing lessons on mental health and stress management topics

Changing the school culture in terms of activating resources, promoting relationships and creating networks

are intended to achieve sustainable effects.

ALLES is funded by the EU within the framework of ERASMUS+.

ALLES builds on the positive experiences of its predecessor projects ‘Mindful Schools’ and ‘PASS’,
in which children with parents with mental health problems receive support
in the context of a school-wide ERASMUS+ approach.

ALLES follows a broader approach that includes further teaching content related to mental health for both primary and secondary schools
and as part of which an training curriculum for teachers and other school staff is being developed.

Getting started with the participating school

(in German)

Finished Projects



Here you will soon find detailed information
our ERASMUS+ – projects
‘Mindful Schools’ and ‘PASS’.

Until then, you can take a look
at the following manuals for reading more about the projects:

‘Mindful Schools’

(03.2022 – 12.2022)

‘PASS – Primary Mindful Schools’

(01.2023 – 02.2024)

Impressions from ‘PASS’

sponsored by

the German Ministry of Health

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